Some of My Work
АптекаМос поиск лекарств
Was involved in the tasks of automating the assembly and publication of the application.
Implemented new functionality such as:
search for analogues of a medicine in a pharmacy,
browsing / searching the assortment of the pharmacy,
redesigned the chat screen, etc.
Made a migration of maps in the application.
Added counties and provinces to the filter by region.
Translated screens written on the Webix library into pure js
- Cordova
- Vanila JS
- jQuery
- Webix
- Jenkins
1) Genomus is a project in the field of genetics and reproductive medicine, which includes three components:
1. A system for collecting and processing biomaterial, as well as obtaining data on the user's genotype;
2. Algorithms for comparing genotypes and information processing;
3. User intuitive interface.
The objectives of the project and the possible applications are numerous. Among them:
1. Collecting a bank of genetic material for research
2. Providing a service for clear and convenient informing couples about the possibility of having a sick child
3. Reducing the prevalence of rare but severe congenital diseases
4. Preservation of rare genetic information from small ethnic groups
2) Admin panel for Genomus App
3) GenomusTemplater - Programm for importing Excel and let exporting pdf template (converter).
- react
- redux
- mongoDb
- electron
- pwa
These are test tasks for the Atwinta web studio.
Simple projects where I got acquainted in practice with react, routing, redax. The project was implemented on ready-made components of the ant design.
Implemented authorization, worked with forms, laid out pages, a method for logging out of a profile, the simplest things.
- React
- Redux
- Webpack
- Formik
- Ant Design