
Kliment Barkalov



Let's get acquainted closer


I am a developer interested in medical and chemical topics.

I love to learn something new and deepen my knowledge in this area. I like to look for ways to improve the user experience, projects with a single codebase and clean architecture. I am looking for opportunities to work with those who are willing to share knowledge same as me.



My achievements

Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"

Robotics and Mechatronics

Obtained qualification of bachelor of science in automation and robotics. Studied methods of automation and development of robotic systems.

SEP 2013 - JUN 2017

Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"

Mobile and Medical Robots

Developed an application for the synthesis and visualization of the kinematics of a robotic arm of a manipulator. The application uses web 3D graphics and implements basic algorithms for solving direct and inverse kinematic problems.

OCT 2017 - JUL 2019

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RSMU)

Full-stack developer

Implemented new social network platform with 23andMe features. Successfully developed a user interface of a complex single-page application. Worked effectively with backend and ensure software solutions. Wrote maintainable and extensible code. Ensured the security and stability of the application.

NOV 2018 - MAY 2019

ООО "Асофт XXI"

Lead mobile developer

I am a leading specialist in the development of hybrid mobile applications. Testing, researching, implementing, automating, publishing. The mobile application represents an information resource closely related to pharmaceutical business.

APR 2019 - MAY 2021
View my resume download


Some of My Work
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АптекаМос поиск лекарств


Was involved in the tasks of automating the assembly and publication of the application.

Implemented new functionality such as: search for analogues of a medicine in a pharmacy, browsing / searching the assortment of the pharmacy, redesigned the chat screen, etc.

Made a migration of maps in the application. Added counties and provinces to the filter by region.

Translated screens written on the Webix library into pure js

  • Cordova
  • Vanila JS
  • jQuery
  • Webix
  • Jenkins
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1) Genomus is a project in the field of genetics and reproductive medicine, which includes three components:

1. A system for collecting and processing biomaterial, as well as obtaining data on the user's genotype;

2. Algorithms for comparing genotypes and information processing;

3. User intuitive interface.

The objectives of the project and the possible applications are numerous. Among them:

1. Collecting a bank of genetic material for research

2. Providing a service for clear and convenient informing couples about the possibility of having a sick child

3. Reducing the prevalence of rare but severe congenital diseases

4. Preservation of rare genetic information from small ethnic groups

2) Admin panel for Genomus App

3) GenomusTemplater - Programm for importing Excel and let exporting pdf template (converter).

  • react
  • redux
  • mongoDb
  • electron
  • pwa
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2019.3 & 2019.12

These are test tasks for the Atwinta web studio.

Simple projects where I got acquainted in practice with react, routing, redax. The project was implemented on ready-made components of the ant design. Implemented authorization, worked with forms, laid out pages, a method for logging out of a profile, the simplest things.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack
  • Formik
  • Ant Design